This could be the last chance to get your hands on this book. Tomorrow might be too late. Don’t wait another minute and grab a copy of Money’s Hidden Magic now.

How I Achieved Everything I Ever Wanted in My Life Using These Forbidden Universal Laws and Principles

(And How You Can Too)

My entire life was on the verge of falling apart.

 I had about $38 left in my account, and that was all. The feeling of fear and uncertainty about what the next day would bring, wondering if I would even survive…

I was lying in the living room of my small apartment, staring at the wall, calculating in my mind whether it was wise to buy food for my cat and ignore my own hunger for the day,

because as hard as it was for me, it was even harder to listen to her desperate meowing from the hunger she was feeling at that moment.

Just a few weeks ago, I had a job.

It wasn’t a dream job or something I was passionate about, but the steady monthly paycheck gave me some motivation and drive for life.

However, one day, while I was diligently working at the computer, my boss at the time approached me and asked to speak with me privately.

My first thought was that he might want to tell me how pleased he was with my work and maybe even offer me a raise. Oh, how wrong I was.

I was fired without any explanation or rational justification on their part. I was shocked, angry, and frustrated.

The pendulum had been initiated.

That job was all I had, apart from my cat. I went back home, and for the first time in what must have been 10 years, I cried. I had forgotten what it felt like to be so vulnerable while crying. The tears flowed nonstop, as if they were trying to make up for all the years I had held them back.

Days passed, and I fell into deeper and deeper depression. I became so passive and apathetic that I gave all the food I had in the fridge to my cat. I had completely lost my appetite for everything, including food.

The universe put me through a perilous trial.

After 9 days of total isolation from civilization, I finally decided to leave my apartment. I bought some groceries because my cat had eaten everything I had in the fridge.

On the way back, I stopped by the local betting shop, just to try my luck and see if fortune would smile on me.

It had probably been 2 years since I last stepped into a betting shop, and I should have never broken that streak. It was as if I activated a curse on myself by returning to my vices.

I stayed in the shop the whole day and spent all the money I had in my wallet. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when I returned to my apartment, I found I had been robbed.

I was living through a nightmare of epic proportions.

Thank God they didn’t take my cat; she was untouched.

This scene was the “icing on the cake”—they took all my savings, and I was officially left with nothing.

I sat in the armchair, unsure whether to laugh or cry, as I was in absolute disbelief. I had never experienced anything like this in just 10 days.

Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of relief, as if I had “surrendered” to the flow of life, as though I needed to hit rock bottom to begin a new adventure. That’s how I viewed it; I refused to remain apathetic, I snapped out of it, and found a new excitement for continuing my life.

That was the moment I knew—something had to change.

Given that so many dreadful things happened to me in such a short period, I started seeking solutions from an esoteric perspective.

Maybe I was spiritually crippled and blocked? I delved deeper into the rabbit hole, learning about manifestations, affirmations, prayers, religions, spiritual laws… I wanted to find the cause of my “curse” and poverty, and something told me it was a spiritual issue.

I began visualizing success, money, and wealth; every night before bed, I would close my eyes and create scenes where I was driving my dream car, had my dream girlfriend, traveled the world, and earned massive cash.

After some time, I grew increasingly nervous and frustrated because, no matter how much I visualized, nothing in my life changed.

Thinking that wasn’t enough, I started repeating affirmations. Every day in front of the mirror, I would say, “I am rich,” “I have unlimited money,” etc.

It had been at least two months since I began all these techniques, and absolutely nothing in my life had changed.

I even felt that my cat had lost hope in me, as if she sensed that all this was in vain. I had to urgently change something in my life because day by day, I was merely “surviving.”

I sold almost all my valuable possessions, including my car, just to have enough to feed myself and my cat.


Random man who changed the game.

After trying almost every technique to attract money, there was just one left. However, this technique required me to leave the house. I didn’t like it at all because I couldn’t do it from the comfort of my home.

The idea behind this method was that if I truly wanted wealth in my life, I had to create a simulation in real life where I pretended to be rich and acted as if I had millions of dollars.

By doing this, I would prove to my brain that it was actually possible, that it wasn’t just my imagination. Once the brain experiences something, it craves to recreate it.

I put on a suit, grabbed a briefcase, cleaned up, and went to the most expensive and elite hotel in town, where I sat down for coffee on the rooftop.

Honestly, I felt fantastic, a little awkward at first, but soon I got used to people looking at me as someone with high status in society. After an hour of pretending and playing my Hollywood role, I got up to enjoy the view of the city from the rooftop, and by chance, I struck up a conversation with an older man.

I had the feeling this man could read my thoughts, see through me, and notice that I was pretending, because he had such a powerful aura—something I’d never felt before.

After a few minutes of small talk and my acting (which he probably saw through immediately), I said to myself, “Screw it, I’ll tell him everything. This is my chance to learn from this man, and if I keep pretending, I won’t get anything from him.”

After I told him what I was actually doing and what my motives were, he smiled slightly and said, “Alright, have a seat here, you’re interesting.”

I was so vulnerable in front of him, and I wanted so badly to learn all his secrets that I was staring at him like some lovestruck teenager, absorbing every word.

At one point, he said, “Give me your email.” After I gave him my email, he sent me a PDF of a book and simply added, “Apply the second chapter of this book to your life without overthinking it, and very quickly, money will start to flow into your life.

It’s very important not to get ‘pulled in’ by the fourth chapter of the book, as it involves a very dark technique that also works quickly but comes with consequences later. Heed my words, and see you on the other side.”

The Book Was - "Money's Hidden Magic"

After returning from the hotel and that unforgettable conversation with this man, I immediately opened my email and started reading the book he sent me.

Honestly, I was so impatient that I skipped the first chapter and went straight to the second. What I read in that second chapter was so strange and initially illogical, but as the man had told me, “Don’t overthink it.” I didn’t let my rational brain overanalyze it.

I told myself I would start practicing this method the very next day and be disciplined about it. I also read the fourth chapter afterward, and it honestly shocked me—I had never come across something like that in my life.

It was so tempting and threw me into temptation, but I had to control myself because the man had warned me not to use that technique. So, I listened to him.

After a few days of applying the technique from the second chapter of the book, I started feeling a certain level of nervousness and impatience. I wanted to see results as soon as possible; I couldn’t handle more disappointment.

On the 12th day, while I was at the gym, I received a notification that money had been deposited into my account—437 dollars. I was shocked, shaking with excitement, jumping around the gym like a madman. I knew this money wasn’t a coincidence, even though it came out of nowhere.

I knew this technique from the book had something to do with it. The money came from a person who had scammed me a few years ago when I bought a fake Rolex watch online. The guy just took my money and never sent me the watch.

And now, years later, out of the blue, guilt must have eaten away at him, and he decided to send me the money back. It was truly unbelievable; I was in the greatest state of ecstasy I’ve ever experienced!

2 years later, I'm living the life of my dreams.

2 years after I started using the technique from the book “Money’s Hidden Magic,” my life took a completely new direction.

It’s not just the money and women that changed my life; it’s me—my mindset, my behavior, my communication, my confidence, my energy. Everything around me has a new shine and vibe, as if I’ve transformed into a new, better version of myself.

Day by day, I attracted more abundance, opportunities, new quality people, prosperity, and luxury. The past two years have been like a dream; sometimes, even today, I wake up in the morning and can’t believe I’m living a life I could only dream of just 2 years ago.

This technique, this book, it truly works. However, it’s crucial that you believe in it and apply it daily; you have to be disciplined and consistent if you want to see paranormal results in your life, things you couldn’t even dream of in your wildest dreams.

You’ll get everything just like I did, but you have to be bold and, without questioning it, use this method, and sooner or later, you’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted—money, luxury, cars, women… Absolutely everything.

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll uncover inside “Money's Hidden Magic":

✅ How to Attract Abundance into Your Life, Without the New Age Bullshit – The Real Truth Explained Step by Step.

✅ How to Use the “Strongest” Universal Principle to Manifest and Attract Money and Wealth into Your Life. You Can Expect Results in Just 12 Days!

✅ How to Use the “Flow Factor” to Build Momentum in Your Life and Eliminate All Spiritual Blockages That Have Been Holding You Back From a Better Life.

✅ How People at the Top of the Pyramid Actually Manifest and Attract Wealth into Their Lives Through Dark Rituals, Techniques, and Seances. (Not Recommended to Try This).

✅ How to Reprogram Your Mind Using the Most Effective Methods in the World That Have Been Used Since Ancient Times.

✅ Hidden Methods from the Bible That Will Ensure Nothing Bad Ever Happens to You, Keeping You Firmly Protected from All Adversities and Negative Situations.

✅ How to Actually Become Smarter and Transform Your Brain into an Efficient, Executing Machine That Solves Even the Most Complex Problems in Your Life. 

✅ How to Overcome Fears and Become an Unstoppable Force That Navigates Life with Ease and Unshakable Confidence.

✅ How Energy Actually Works and How to Protect Yourself from Negative Parasites That Drain Your Life Force.

✅ This book will reveal the most crucial hidden and forbidden universal laws and rules that are kept from the masses by the elite. By understanding the “rules of the game,” your life will automatically become much easier and more successful.

✅ The online business concept you must start if you want to become a billionaire in a few years—the fastest way to reach the top and be independent of anyone.

✅ Are humans actually Gods, or something entirely different?!

✅ How to live life after achieving everything you desire (money, women, wealth, status), what is the purpose beyond that, and how to go even further.

And much, much more!



Act now or suffer for the rest of your life.

It’s your free will whether to buy this book and apply its methods, but objectively speaking, you’ll lose out if you don’t. People around the world, from every corner of the globe, are currently reading this book and applying these methods, gaining an unfair advantage over you while you hesitate over $17.

This book could disappear at any moment, and you might never be able to find it again, condemning yourself to the mediocre, average lifestyle that most people live. If you truly don’t want that, grab this book right now, find the money, borrow it, do whatever it takes not to miss this chance because it could be your last opportunity to change your life and your destiny.

Act now or suffer for the rest of your life.

Note: This is not my book! The author is Eric Cook, but no one knows where he currently is. In a part of his public address, he mentioned that only Xorlest and one other organization are allowed to sell his book and profit from it.

So, once again, this is not my book, and I disclaim any responsibility for it. My intention was simply to share my story with you, and that’s all. From here on, everything is up to you; you are playing this game on your own.


This could be the last chance to get your hands on this book. Tomorrow might be too late. Don’t wait another minute and grab a copy of Money’s Hidden Magic now.